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Created by Tin Shed Theatre Co in partnership with Communauté d'agglomération Rochefort Océan, Pont Transbordeur.
Supported by Wales Arts International & Newport City Council.
Collaborating in France with companies L’Attroupanou, Tec-Tap & a host of creative professionals from both countries, Tin Shed Theatre Co embark on re-telling a unique, long-forgotten tale.
The following video shows the first phase of the project that took place in Rochefort, October 2022.
A sharing of ideas and explorations inspired by risk, imagination & of course..... Magic.
Avez-vous vu Houdini ? Recherchez un H, ajoutez une photo de vous, de quelqu'un qui ressemble au regretté grand Harry Houdini, une description, qui vous êtes et ce que vous avez vu.
Have you seen Houdini? Look for an H add a photo, of you, of someone who looks like the late great Harry Houdini, a description, who you are and what you've seen.